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You can search for flights by entering your departure city, destination, dates of travel, and the number of passengers on our homepage. Click "Search Flights" to see available options.

Yes, you can book flights for multiple passengers in a single transaction. Simply select the number of passengers during the booking process.

Additional fees may include taxes, baggage fees, and any optional services you choose during booking. These will be clearly displayed before payment.

Changes and cancellations depend on the fare type and airline policy. Flexible fares allow changes with or without a fee, while non-flexible fares may have restrictions. Refer to the airline's terms or contact our customer support for assistance.

You can manage your booking by logging into your account on our website. From there, you can view, change, or cancel your booking depending on the fare rules.

We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other secure online payment options. The available methods will be displayed during the booking process.

After completing your booking and payment, you'll receive an email confirmation with your e-ticket. You can also access and print your e-ticket by logging into your account on our website.

Confirmation emails are usually sent immediately after booking. Check your spam/junk folder. If you still haven't received it, contact our customer support with your booking details.

Some airlines offer frequent flyer programs with rewards for regular travelers. You can join these programs directly with the respective airlines.

It's recommended to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before a domestic flight and 3 hours before an international flight to allow time for check-in, security checks, and boarding.

We offer optional travel insurance during the booking process. It covers various aspects like trip cancellation, medical emergencies, baggage loss, and more. You can add it to your booking if desired.